Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Day Nothing Got Done

Well here it is, 2:12 pm, and I just got out of the shower. I had plans for today and NOTHING got done. So far I have been sitting at the computer reading knitting Blogs and ordering yarn for the Kiri that I plan on knitting. I bought Cascade 220 in color #9437 to do the shawl. This should be intresting since I am a beginner. But I printed out the pattern last night and I think I can do it. It may take me a year, but I think I can do it :-)

It's just been one of those days. No matter where I look, I see the destuction that my two toddlers have made. The kitchen is a mess, the back room has toys all over the floor, and my head hurts so bad that I just want to take a nap on the couch. Not to mention that my newborn was up all morning. While this could be a good thing, I couldn't get much done. I did start the dishwasher, that counts right? Maybe James will sleep longer tonight since his awake time was this morning? Can a woman dream?

Well, maybe I should so empty the dishwasher now.....or maybe I should sit down and finish the Barbie blanket I am making for my daughter......Rowan DK in a vine lace pattern. She just wanted a red blanket, I just wanted to try something new.....

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