Saturday, July 01, 2006

Has Hell Frozen Over?

You could have knocked me over with a feather the other night. The hubby has been having some problems with his heart, nothing has been diagnosed yet, we are still waiting on many test results.

I mentioned in passing that knitting has been said to be more relaxing than yoga, and I could teach him if he would like. He looked at me and said yes. YES??? I can't tell you how many times I have asked him if I could teach him, and the answer has always been No.

So I ran and some Pattons Decor and size 8 needles. I had to show him a few times, and he got a bit frustrated, but he got the hang of it. He even let me take pictures!

So he actually had me go buy him yarn to make a dishcloth. He says he can never find any clean one's, so he is going to make his own. Sometimes he cracks me up.

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