Today has been a great day! The kiddo's were going a little stir crazy so we walked up to the post office this morning to pick up the mail. You know you live in a small town when there is no mail delivery to your door, you must go to the post office to pick up your mail.
Anyway, when I got there there were two packages waiting for me. The first is a gift from Leah at Knitting Pretty. She is having a summer blog party and sent me the greatest "party" favors! I got a couple of note cards, perfect for sending off to friends, candy, that is now gone, Tea, and the most beautiful stitch markers! Thanks so much Leah!!!
I also got my order of Regia Silk sock yarn. OH MY GOODNESS! It is so soft. I just love it. I can't wait to knit myself some socks. I probably won't get to them until the winter but WOW. I'll probably take out the yarn to play with it at least once a week.
And here are some pictures of the stitch markers that I have made. I ordered some watchmaker tins and am waiting on them. Once they arrive, I'll be in the stitch marker business :-)
Sorry for the blurry pics, I just need a new camera!
Journal of knitting, kiddo's, and life living in the mountains.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
SockPal knitting.
Well, I started my socks for my sock pal. I decided to jump right in and make the Waving Lace socks from IK's Spring 2004 edition. This is monumental for me because 1. It is my first lace project and 2. I am using Lornas Lace for the first time. I love the softness of the yarn but I am having a hard time with it splitting. I was afraid that the pattern wouldn't come out in this variegated yarn but I am really liking it. Right now I am almost through my first pattern repeat. I would be further along but I had to tink back a few rows. Lace knitting and referring children do NOT go hand in hand. Tonight I will have some alone time....DH has a Rotary function that will keep him out late....and the kids will be asleep by 8. YIPEE!!!!! So maybe I can get a whole other repeat in!
Another spot of good news, The LYS here is going to be selling my stitch markers! I just need to package them up and get them to her. I am at a loss as to what to charge. I thought that 10.00 for a set of 5 or 6 sounded good. She wants me to charge 17.00 Would you really pay that much? Please comment and let me know what you have seen beaded stitch markers going for....and how many in a set.
Speaking of stitch markers, have you seen Erica's? They are beautiful!!! I would love to take pictures of mine, but either my camera is too basic to take a close up shot, or I am just too dumb! I'll have to wait until I see my parents again. They have the digital camera with all the bells and whistles.
I purchased a kit for a shawl from BlackBerry Ridge last night. It's the Violets by the River shawl. I was thinking the this might be a good Christmas gift for my Mom. She's a shawl lover. She almost always has a shawl on during the winter.
I was also able to score a bunch of Cotton-Ease from Tuesday Morning. I am keeping some for my stash but the other will be going on eBay.
And hey, go congratulate Cath on her first sweater! I can't wait until I can say that I have done that too!
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Late night web surfing
Well, since I was up in the middle of the night with James (he has a little cough....I have been reassured that it is NOT RSV again) I did a little web surfing.
I found out that Soap Fiber Girl is doing a stitch marker swap. Sounds really cool. It's ongoing for 3 months and you get a set each month. I joined, go check it out!
I also found a needle swap done my my friend Catherine. Check it out here.
And this, found the link on Knitting Arrows blog. These would make great stocking stuffers. I think I may order some roving from them and give it a try! Never would have thought of felted soap!
And Tuesday is knitalong day. I am going to cast on for my sockpal2sa socks tonight. I think I am going to use some Lorna's Lace in Glenwood. Now the pattern I am still undecided on. Maybe the cutes and ladders from the Six Sock along.
And last but not least there is now a web ring for JENNIFERS! How cool is that?
I found out that Soap Fiber Girl is doing a stitch marker swap. Sounds really cool. It's ongoing for 3 months and you get a set each month. I joined, go check it out!
I also found a needle swap done my my friend Catherine. Check it out here.
And this, found the link on Knitting Arrows blog. These would make great stocking stuffers. I think I may order some roving from them and give it a try! Never would have thought of felted soap!
And Tuesday is knitalong day. I am going to cast on for my sockpal2sa socks tonight. I think I am going to use some Lorna's Lace in Glenwood. Now the pattern I am still undecided on. Maybe the cutes and ladders from the Six Sock along.
And last but not least there is now a web ring for JENNIFERS! How cool is that?
Monday, June 20, 2005
Socks, Socks, and more Socks.
I am a sock knitting woman! I finished the first sock for my Father in law a week ago. I didn't really want to start the second one right away so I started one out of Pansy, Sock Garden from Knitpicks. I should be able to finish it tonight if the kiddo's cooperate.
Father in laws sock out of trekking, Pansy sock
I also joined

I might make my sock pal a pair out of one color and then gift the other two to my Mom. Hummmmmm the knitter that I am spoiling in SP5 is a big sock knitter so maybe if I really like the yarn I'll order her some too.
I decided to make a few stitch markers. So far this is what I have done. I really like them and think I make make a few more tonight. Now I am hoping that Cara does another Bead It swap.
Blue polka dot beads
I keep finding lots of patterns that I love and want to make. I think that's the hardest thing about being a knitter. Too may patterns, not enough time. I have been finding tank top patterns that I want to make but the weird thing is....I don't wear tank tops! Strange huh?
Saturday, June 11, 2005
How old am I?
You Are 31 Years Old |
31 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Well, in reality I am 27....but Greg is 40 so I guess that 31 for me is more realistic :-)
Today the family is going to a BBQ given by the preschool that Katie will be attending in August. Am I really ready for my first born to go to school? Not really. Of course she is so excited she can't stand it..... The bright side is, I may meet some friends at the BBQ.
I's tough to get out and meet people with 2 toddlers and a newborn. Plus I live in such a small town, with no bigger town close, there are not really any activities that we could be involved in. No play groups, no dance, the kids are too little for sports, ect. Greg thought that I should start a playgroup or a knitting group.....sure, I could do that with ALL THE SPARE HOURS THAT I HAVE. Some days I think he has no idea what goes on while he's at work!
Anyway, Maybe I'll get the Knitpicks sock done tonight at the BBQ. OOOO Yeah, I'll be KIP tonight :-)
Thursday, June 09, 2005
I was knitting for Summer.....
It's crazy weather here. It's June and it snowed a little higher up a few nights ago! We have had fires in the stove for 3 days straight. Crazy stuff I tell ya. Last year I was dying of heat and cursing the company that made us move here where NO HOUSE has AC! Anyway, I'll take the cool weather as long as I can get it. But look what is going on behind out guest house
Because of the rainy weather, I haven't had any natural light to take pictures in. So bear with me...these didn't come out too badly. First is the ROAK that Kristin sent me. She had sent Laurie, Green-Eyed Grrl, a ball of Sockotta yarn and I fell in love with it. I had her pick me up a ball at the LYS that she works at. When I got may package, this was in it.
The yarn that I wanted, along with another ball of pink Sockotta, a very cute notecard with a hat pattern that I HAVE to make for my DD, and the coolest little sissors. I LOVE it all. Thanks so much!
I started a new sock out of KnitPicks Sock Garden in Pansy. I think these will be for my Sister in law, Pam for Christmas or her birthday. She loves purple and lives in Montana where she needs warm feet :-)
I have to say that I love to knit socks. They go fast and I need some uncomplicated knitting for when the kids are awake. Lace and such has to wait until bedtime or I KNOW it would have to be ripped out!
I finished the back of Ben's sweater. It's just a simple pullover knit all in stockinette...nothing too exciting but hey, it's my first sweater so I didn't want it to be too hard!
OOOO and I also got some yarn on eBay for a Booga Bag! I love this stuff it's Noro #40. I think it will be for my sister...she LOVES blue and thinks that the dishcloths that I sent her are too pretty to use! Can you tell she doesn't knit!
I have been surfing the blogs and I found this really cool one. Lou's Ends. Do you SEE the pattern for the Lattice Lace Wrap? It is BEAUTIFUL. And it has BEADS. I would love to try this one out. I have the right yarn in my stash, I just need beads. This will be going on my to do list of projects. And thank you to Lou for telling how to do thumbnails on the blog!
I leave you with a picture of my oldest, Katie. This blanket that she is sucking is a Cashmere and Silk blanket knit by my Mother. Katie sucks on it. Always has. Sucks = Felting. The beautiful blanket is now felted. Ans she still sucks on it. It's gross. It stinks. I have to wash it ever couple of days. It's so felted that you can wash and dry it now. If she sees me do it WATCH OUT.....gross.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
A whale of a time
Before I start with my you see it? Do you see it? Tracy made a banner for me and I am so excited. Actually she has made 3 or 4 banners for me....but this on is my current pick. No cows have NOTHING to do with knitting but I love the little buggers :-)
Wow.....I have had a lot going on the last week or so. First off my inlaws were here for an inspection...whoops I mean visit. Things went ok I think. I think they had a good time, I was a little uncomfortable. I only see them once a year and I don't really know them well. It's just different than my parents. I would call my Mom my best friend....we talk at least once a day. Greg hardly ever talks to his parents. Ok, that's not true. He calls a few times a month but that's hardly ever compared to how much I talk to mine. They stayed at the house for a week, then left Memorial day weekend.
I didn't get much knitting done while they were here. I did make a few dishcloths for them to take home, and I finished the back of Ben's sweater but that's about it.
Right after they left, I did another very silly thing. I put half a pan of lasagna down the disposal...ummmm WHAT WAS I THINKING? It clogged. Greg spent 2 days getting it unclogged. These two days consisted of him crawling in the crawl space under the house, two trips to the hardware store (30 min drive each way), and a lot of mopping. At one point I called a plummer but it was $170.00 for them just to come to the house on a weekend. So I figured I would live with it until Tuesday. Greg got it unclogged. He is my hero. He didn't even give me much of a bad time about clogging the drain! Now we have to go under and put a trap on the main when I do this again it won't be so hard :-)
My Mom and Dad came up on Saturday and took my daughter down to their house fro 2 nights. She has never been away from home overnight before and I was worried about her. She had so much fun, she didn't even want to call me. I on the other hand was so lonely! It's amazing how much I missed her NON STOP talking! I was so happy to see her when she got home. What am I going to do when my Katie-Bug goes to school?
Then yesterday we took the kids fishing. They had a blast. Katie and Ben both caught their first fish ever. (blugills) Ben had more fun playing IN the water and touching the fish....but it was a nice family outing.

And because James wasn't photographed while fishing.....

Hey how do I make thumbnail pics that will get bigger when you click on them?
Wow.....I have had a lot going on the last week or so. First off my inlaws were here for an inspection...whoops I mean visit. Things went ok I think. I think they had a good time, I was a little uncomfortable. I only see them once a year and I don't really know them well. It's just different than my parents. I would call my Mom my best friend....we talk at least once a day. Greg hardly ever talks to his parents. Ok, that's not true. He calls a few times a month but that's hardly ever compared to how much I talk to mine. They stayed at the house for a week, then left Memorial day weekend.
I didn't get much knitting done while they were here. I did make a few dishcloths for them to take home, and I finished the back of Ben's sweater but that's about it.
Right after they left, I did another very silly thing. I put half a pan of lasagna down the disposal...ummmm WHAT WAS I THINKING? It clogged. Greg spent 2 days getting it unclogged. These two days consisted of him crawling in the crawl space under the house, two trips to the hardware store (30 min drive each way), and a lot of mopping. At one point I called a plummer but it was $170.00 for them just to come to the house on a weekend. So I figured I would live with it until Tuesday. Greg got it unclogged. He is my hero. He didn't even give me much of a bad time about clogging the drain! Now we have to go under and put a trap on the main when I do this again it won't be so hard :-)
My Mom and Dad came up on Saturday and took my daughter down to their house fro 2 nights. She has never been away from home overnight before and I was worried about her. She had so much fun, she didn't even want to call me. I on the other hand was so lonely! It's amazing how much I missed her NON STOP talking! I was so happy to see her when she got home. What am I going to do when my Katie-Bug goes to school?
Then yesterday we took the kids fishing. They had a blast. Katie and Ben both caught their first fish ever. (blugills) Ben had more fun playing IN the water and touching the fish....but it was a nice family outing.

And because James wasn't photographed while fishing.....

Hey how do I make thumbnail pics that will get bigger when you click on them?
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